Saturday, March 9, 2013

Income Report

 From this point forward, I will be adding an income report to my blog. I think its important to share my financial status with those who are in a similar position.

 If you always thought traveling was only for the rich or upper-middle class, you are sadly mistaken. Armed with the proper tools and information, traveling abroad is in reach of the average person.

 You just need to prioritize, its really that simple.

 I currently have two income streams; General Relief which last for nine months and Plasma donations which I do twice a week.

 Gross earnings for a month average to $450. I try and net $400 savings per month.

 My other income stream that isn't cash based is EBT or Food Stamps. Yes I am one of 46 million Americans on the SNAP program, sue me.

 This allows me to save the majority of money I earn from my activities.

 Current GA balance - $487.54 (3/9/2013
 Current Plasma Debt Card balance - $233.53 (3/9/2013)

 I am lucky enough to not have any additional cost since I live with my parents.

 My goal is to hit $2,000 by May with some additional income from getting rid of stuff. I'll talk more about that in the coming weeks.