Saturday, July 7, 2012

First Post and Some Information

I have spent the last decade looking for a woman suitable to be my wife. Now before the feminist attack me, I am not basing that strictly on physical beauty. I do have standards that are deal breakers, however they are not out of line with mainstream western thinking.

That is not what this blog is about however, it’s about proving that under even extreme economic circumstances you can find an attractive woman to marry and have a family with.

What you have to do is diffuse the importance of money to a relationship. That goes for even the richest men reading this blog, if you don’t diffuse the importance of money, you’ll find yourself in divorce court sooner rather than later. This is especially important in the United States and part of the reason why I no longer consider women here suitable for long term relationships.

Why? Because too many women are looking to upgrade. If she’s poor, she wants to reach the middle class and the easiest way to do that is to marry some schmuck which automatically will double her income. 

70% of American households women control the money supply. I should also mention though the stat is a bit hard to find, 92% of formerly married women gained their wealth via divorce court.

In a depressed economic environment with a sometimes generous but hard to access social safety net (I'll talk about this in the next post), this restricts a man's options for marriage and relationships. If you don’t fully understand that last sentence, read this article by Dr. Harriet Fraad or if you’re not the type to read very much, you can listen to this podcast.

This blog will cover the ups, the downs, the major failures, triumphs and success.

Stay Tuned More To Come....

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